Our Library's Survey
The Library would appreciate your assistance in finding out why you use its services and to submit your suggestions. Would you be so kind as to print, complete and return the survey at your next visit at the Library. We are thankful for your precious co-operation and feedback.
In which of the following activities would you like to participate? a) Book Club for Adults b) Children's Story Telling Hour c) Book launches and author signing d) Miscellaneous workshops e) Conferences f) Other |
In your opinion, a Book Club for adults would be: a) Important b) Very important c) Of no interest d) Other |
In your opinion, a Book Club for adults should take place: a) Once a week b) Once every two weeks c) Monthly d) Other |
In your opinion, a Book Club for adults should focus on: a) One book b) Different books c) Other |
In your opinion, an efficient fundraising activity would be: a) Sponsoring a book b) Used books sale c) Organizing a show or play d) Donations e) Other |
Would you be interested in becoming a ''Library Friend'' and if so, in what capacity? a) By volunteering b) By offering support for the Story Telling activity c) By offering free workshops (ex.: Internet) d) I am not available to become a ''Library Friend'' at this time e) Other |
Would you have any suggestions to improve and/or enhance our activities? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ |
Age: 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60+ Sex: Female Male |
Name:_________________________ Tel.:_________________
For which particular reason(s) do you visit the Casselman Public Library?
Book loans |
Various loans |
Reading and on-site research |
Use of the Internet |
Photocopying and faxing services |
Other reasons (please specify) |
How often do you visit the Casselman Public Library in a year?
Once a week: _____
Monthly: _____
Other: ________________________________________________
How would you rate the services you received from the Library personnel during your last visit:
The personnel was courteous and helpful: _____
I didn't need to ask for help: _____
The personnel didn't have sufficient knowledge to help me: ____
Additional comments: ___________________________________
Suggestions for our book collections:
What suggestions would you have which would improve the Library's book collections?
The Casselman Public Library wishes to thank all participants to this survey. Your opinion is important to us!