Policies and Procedures
Our Library's Policies And Procedures
In Ontario, libraries are subject to the Laws for Public Libraries. In adherence to these laws, the Library has various policies that govern the functioning of the Board of Directors as well as its operations. All policies are approved and modified by the Casselman Public Library Board.
Foundation Policies
Mission Statement: FN-01
Vision Statement: FN-02
Statement of Values: FN-03
Intellectual Freedom: FN-04
Respect and Acknowledgement Declaration: FN-05
Statement of Authority: BL-01
Composition of the Board: BL-02
Terms of Reference of the Officers: BL-03
Powers and Duties of the Board: BL-04
Meetings of the Board: BL-05
Amendments of Bylaws: BL-06
Governance Policies
Purpose of the Board: GOV-01
Board Orientation: GOV-02
Duties and Responsibilities of Individual Board Members: GOV-03
Committees of the Board: GOV-04
Policy Development: GOV-05
Planning: GOV-06
Financial Control/Oversight: GOV-07
Board Advocacy: GOV-08
Evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer: GOV-09
Board Training: GOV-10
Board Evaluation: GOV-11
Succession Planning: GOV-12
Delegation of Authority to the CEO: GOV-13
Employee Recognition: GOV-14
Board-CEO Partnership: GOV-15
Human Resources
Note: Human Resources Policies and Procedures are subject to the Municipality's regulations as described in the ''Manuel du personnel'' (link below). In case of discrepancy between the Library's By-Laws and the Municipality's regulations, the latter shall prevail.
Human Resources Management: HR-01
Staff Selection and Assignment: HR-02
Hours of Work: HR-03
Vacation, Public Holidays and Leave: HR-04
Compensation & Benefits: HR-05
Payment of Job-Related Expenses: HR-06
Workplace Harassment and Discrimination: HR-07
Prevention of Workplace Violence: HR-08
Health and Safety: HR-09
Employee Conduct: HR-10
Professsional Development, Performance and Discipline: HR-11
Accessibility and Staff: HR-12
Municipality of Casselman: Manuel du personnel
User Cards: OP-1
Borrowing Material and User Fees: OP-02
Safety, Security and Emergencies in the Library: OP-03
Social Media: OP-04
Book Donations: OP-05
Privacy, Access to Information and Electronic messages under CASL: OP-06
Code of Conduct (Public): OP-07
Collection Development: OP-08
Interlibrary Loans: OP-09
Programming: OP-10
Internet Services and Technology: OP-11
Community Information: OP-12
Children in the Library: OP-13
Teen/Young Adults in the Library: OP-14
Circulation: OP-15
Local History: OP-16
Information Services: OP-17
Accessibility in the Library: OP-18
The Library and Political Elections: OP-19
Records Retention: OP-20
Procurement of Goods and Services: OP-21
Volunteer Policies
Volunteer Program: VOL-01
Fundraising Policies
General Gift Acceptance: FR-01
Administration: FR-02
Partnership and Sponsorship: FR-03
Ref: Southern Ontario Libraries Service