. Father's Day 2022
The Casselman Public Library's Board of Directors invites you to participate in our Father's Day draws which will be held June 16th, 2022. Adults will be participating in a draw for a rechargeable reading light, and children for the ''5 x 5'' board game (pictures below). Participants will be asked to fill in a coupon at their visit to the library where they will either borrow a book or register as a new member.
Happy Father's Day to all fathers, grandfathers and fathers-to-be, from the Library team!
. Board Meeting - May 26th, 2022
Supporting Documents: Please note that the following documents are in French only
Ordre du jour
Procès-verbal de la rencontre du 4 mai 2022
Présentation des états financiers - BDO
Lettre de recommandation BDO
Lettre finale BDO
Statistiques générales
Statistiques Overdrive
Visa- Janvier à Avril 2022
Résultats comparatifs - avril 2022
Bilan - avril 2022
Showcasing Art at the Library - May & June 2022
The Casselman Public Library is showcasing an exhibit by visual artist Yolande Racine; until the end of June, visitors are invited to come and enjoy her creations!
Should you be interested in purchasing an art piece you may contact the artist directly by email at gillesyolande@hotmail.com or at 613-764-5428.