Events and Activities Calendar
2020 TD Summer Reading Club
This summer, the TD Summer Reading Club is online. To register, please visit: https://www.tdsummerreadingclub.ca/
. Eleventh Challenge
The eleventh challenge is to make a card for Mother's Day. You can share your results with your family and on social media!
Have a great day!
Tenth challenge:
The tenth challenge is to colour your favourite flowers. You can share your results with your family and on social media!
Have a great day!
Ninth challenge:
The ninth challenge is to reminisce with old photos. You can share your results with your family and on social media!
Have a great day!
Eighth Challenge:
The eighth challenge is to set up an obstacle course. You can share your results with your family and on social media!
Have a great day!
Seventh Challenge:
The seventh challenge is to build a blanket fort. You can share your results with your family and on social media!
Have a great day!
Sixth Challenge
The sixth challenge is to help prepare a family meal. You can share your results with your family and on social media!
Have a great day!
Fifth Challenge
The fifth challenge is to have a family karaoke night. You can share your results with your family and on social media!
Fourth Challenge
The fourth challenge is to spread positivity with a spring window sign. You can share your results with your family and on social media!
Have a great day!
Winners of the 2020 Easter Contest
These are the happy smiles of Rebecca Parent and Christian Gagnon, the winners of our Easter contest:
Many thanks to the Casselman Optimist Club for the sponsoring of this activity!
Third Challenge
The third challenge is to identify your favorite Easter recipe. You can share your results with your family and on social media!
Have a great day!
On-line Story Time
You are welcome to visit our Facebook page at: bibliothèquepubliquedecasselmanlibrary for French and English story time!
An occasional fun activity!
Second Challenge
The second challenge is to read to a family member or even your pet! You can share your results with your family and on social media!
Have a good day!
Interesting Challenge
As we temporarily cannot see you at the Library, we wish to invite you to participate in a little challenge!
Our first challenge is: What is your all-time favorite movie? You can share your results with your family and on social media!
Have a good day!
Baby Readers at the Library
These toddlers sure seem to enjoy story time at the library. A first and surely not the last!
You are more than welcome to join us on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 9:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M.!
Weaving Club
A warm thank you to all participants at this first weaving club meeting! All are welcome to join each Thursday from 4:00 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. at the Library!
Do you have a bit of spare time? Join us for our new weaving club each Thursday from 4:00 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. at the Library! We will be weaving cushions and mattresses for Third-World countries.
No experience required. Please note that children under 12 must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver.
We hope to see you!
Les Rendez-vous de la Francophonie
During the 22nd annual Rendez-vous de la Francophonie (RVF), from March 1st to 31st, 2020, let's celebrate the Canadian Francophonie across the country!
We invite you to participate in the online contests in a brand new online newspaper at www.RVF.ca. Put your knowledge of language to the test with the Write It Right! spelling challenge or the atMOTSphere quizzes. Vote for your favorite ecological creation in the Planetary Creativity contest, for the chance to win a scholarship!
New Artist at the Library's Art Exhibit
We are pleased to inform you that we are exhibiting the artwork of Mr. Pierre Caron as our second guest artist at the Library.
Mr. Caron's works of art portrait countryside's calming peacefulness and the beautiful harmony of nature, beyond which one finds expressions of poetry and serenity. Below are a few pictures:
You are welcome to visit these masterpieces and pick up a good book!
See you soon!
Easter 2020 Contest
Beginning Monday, March 9th, 2020
For each loan at the Library, you will receive a ticket/chance for our Easter Draw, to be held on Wednesday, April 8th, 2020 at 4:00 P.M.
Many thanks to the Casselman Optimist Club for sponsoring this activity!
Baby Readers
Introduce baby to the pleasure of first stories! This activity will take place on the second Wednesday of the month, from 9:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. at the Library.
Celebrate Your Freedom to Read!
Freedom to Read Week is an annual event that encourages Canadians to think about and reaffirm their commitment to intellectual freedom, which is guaranteed them under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Freedom to Read Week is organized by the Freedom of Expression Committee of the Book and Periodical Council. The Council encourages everyone to participate and celebrate this event during the week of February 23rd to 29th, 2020.
Visit the Freedom to Read website for more information on how to celebrate this event!
Reminder: 20-20 Challenge
We are pleased to announce that many readers have successfully completed the 20-20 Challenge! We also wish to take this opportunity to invite you to continue this challenge and to inform us of your success so we may add a link to your name on our chain!
It's not too late! Please see the information below, sent earlier:
We invite you to participate in the 20-20 Challenge, reading 20 minutes for 20 days! This challenge is a fun and easy way to support literacy in our communities and get involved in Family Literacy Day on January 27th, 2020.
Literacy is a key part of children's development, taking the time to read together helps improve literacy skills for the whole family!
Learning together = Growing together
For all ages #read20-20
I Read Canadian Day
Thank you so very much to all participants, and we take this opportunity to invite you to continue to read our Canadian authors' books, an integral part of our Library's collections!
I Read Canadian Day is a new nationwide initiative that celebrates the richness, diversity and breadth of Canadian literature.
The purpose of this event is to raise awareness of Canadian books and celebrate the richness, diversity and breadth of Canadian literature.
WHEN: February 19th, 2020.
ACTION: We challenge the nation to “Read Canadian” for 15 minutes and to share their experience at their library, in their school, with their families and friends, or on social media Young people are encouraged to read, or be read to, a Canadian book of their choice.